Saturday, February 4, 2012

Long Day and Lonely Nights

Today is the end of the first week.  Although I only worked Wednesday through Saturday I am exhausted.  So exhausted I slept from 5pm until 10pm tonight, missing dinner entirely.  So now, munching on Indian cookies and chocolates, I've decided to update my blog.  I'm not sure if it's because working on Saturdays are such a bummer (I made it through MS3 year, I shouldn't have to work anymore Saturdays, right??  At least not until intern year) or if it's the isolation of being in a foreign country with people I don't know and no real contact to my home (thanks to the facebook block and my lack of skype friends), but today was a really difficult day for me.  Not academically difficult (though I did learn a few new things today), but emotionally tough.

I think I might be just a touch homesick.  I've been here long enough to start missing the comforts of home.  Friendly faces I know who inquire into how I am doing.  Foods that I recognize.  Lines that have a definite beginning and end (it seems like just a free for all here).  A quiet place to sit and eat.  Today the doctor's cafeteria was closed down because people were being too messy (see picture below), so our punishment is having to eat in the general cafeteria.  Although the food was actually pretty tasty today I barely ate anything because I was so overwhelmed by the whole experience.

I hope that after a break tomorrow, with lots of shopping and sight seeing, I'll be ready to attack a new week.  I'm looking forward to starting in the regular OPD clinics (OPD: outpatient department) and ORs, instead of the Zeiss resident training program.  I think it will be a good change.  Plus, I have the wedding next wedding to look forward to!
The door to the physician cafeteria

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